

You grew my heart the moment you took your first breath.

I remember marveling at your tiny, exaggerated features that night—learning the softness and contours of your sweet, wrinkly face—and realizing I had never before known my true capacity to love. You were brand new, yet so familiar to me, somehow, and nothing had ever made me feel so at home as the rise and fall of your breathing against my chest. I was so taken.

I still am.

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the fleeting moments in-between

Apparently, three and a half year old Isaac was not really into the idea of a photo op the morning of our session — though he could have fooled me. Although he was adamant that he should swap out the sweet little blue and white checkered shirt his mama had chosen for his much preferred John Deere tractor tee, he was a perfect little gent for me from start to finish. Had I not been forewarned of his sour mood, I may never have known that he turned on the charm just for me!

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baby Niklas and musings from a mama-to-be

Some babies are just meant to be in front of the camera. Niklas, with his sapphire eyes and infectious, tug-at-my-heart-strings giggle, is most certainly one of them. The morning of our session, it was all I could do to keep up with the cuteness each time his face lit up in response to Dora’s slobbery kisses or his parents’ snuggles. Not that I’m complaining (wink); he made my job rather easy. Needless to say – and I think we can all agree on this – Lauren and Eric have a little darling on their hands.

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a noble belly

Since the beginning, I’ve loved shooting maternity sessions. Nothing has changed; in fact, I may love it even more now that I know what it feels like to grow a little person inside me. All the anticipation and love that’s felt when baby moves in those final weeks – gently reminding parents of her presence and imminent arrival – is so singular, such a joy to capture. It’s also why, as a mama-to-be, I wanted my own pregnancy documented. Because as Gabriela Mistral says, “Now my belly is as noble as my heart.” There’s simply very few things as beautiful as an expectant mother’s blossoming form and the flush of excitement shown by both parents as they await their little one.

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pink: it was love at first sight

I have big love for this family. Don’t get me wrong; I adore all of my clients — they’re why I do what I do — but there’s something about this close-knit little threesome that just puts a smile on my face and makes me feel at home. Maybe it’s because Mer & I go way back to a shared summer in one of my favorite cities, New Orleans; or maybe it’s the connection that’s developed over growing our first babies over the course of the same beautiful spring months; it’s probably both. But Merlyn and Vincent are a salt-of-the-earth, amazing couple to know, and it only got better when we added their sweet little Madison to the mix.

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