I was told, once, that there was a certain sweetness to my images. It was at the start of this entrepreneurial journey, when I was still in school, and the words were uttered during a portfolio review by a gifted photographer whose eye is well trained and whose opinion mattered very much to me as a novice in his field. I was surprised by his comment at first, but soon thereafter, pleased; because although I’d never said as much aloud, sweetness is really what I’m after. It’s a quality I didn’t realize, then, was organic to my style as a photographer. With each photograph, I set out to create a beautiful mix of the fleeting and the stylized — a glimpse of your precious story without the clutter of everyday life. My hope is to give you the space to simply be present, while I endeavor to create something for you that is intimate and real and meaningful.

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Truth: I am exhausted. Running entirely on toddler high fives and iced lattes and sheer adrenaline – the high that comes with creative exertion. I used to be one of those people who fell asleep within ninety seconds of my head hitting the pillow. Then, within the course of a dizzyingly short time span, I became a business owner in a creative industry, and the mama of a precious and precocious little boy. And all of a sudden, I find myself lying awake at night – not for lack of fatigue – but because my mind is on overdrive. All. the. time. Goals and to-do lists swirl around in my subconscious as I try desperately to coax my mind into dreamland: how do I grow the wedding side of my business? How do I market myself effectively to my ideal clients? How do I keep up in this field of round-the-clock creatives if I’m only able to work when my son is sleeping (i.e., next-to-never)?

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I’m just going to say it like it is: I am OBSESSED with the images from this boudoir session. And not just because of the dreamy light and my subject’s staggering eyes, but because of the transformation I witnessed in her as she became more comfortable with me — and herself.

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It’s a beautiful morning in DC: the sun is pouring in our windows and the city’s trees are swollen with lush, pink blooms, leaving a faint fragrance to perfume the air.  As my son sleeps soundly in the next room, it strikes me as an ideal time to look back on a lovely evening session I did last summer at the National Gallery of Art that seems especially “DC” to me.

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Oh, 2014. You were an epic year, truly, both personally and professionally. Within the span of your sweet seasons, I grew a mama’s heart, a beautiful baby boy, and a fulfilling business. As I write this first blog of the year following your abundant beauty, I admit I do so with a touch of nostalgia, wondering if it’s possible to see another year filled with such richness. Yet, even as I write these words, I am energized by all the potential, conscious of the near perfection that is surrounding me, just five days into this new year: here I sit with my cup of tea, baby giggling in the background, warm afternoon sunlight on my shoulders, as I pursue this little dream of mine. Not a bad start. So, here’s a toast to the possibilities, to a promising dawn to a new year.

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