I was told, once, that there was a certain sweetness to my images. It was at the start of this entrepreneurial journey, when I was still in school, and the words were uttered during a portfolio review by a gifted photographer whose eye is well trained and whose opinion mattered very much to me as a novice in his field. I was surprised by his comment at first, but soon thereafter, pleased; because although I’d never said as much aloud, sweetness is really what I’m after. It’s a quality I didn’t realize, then, was organic to my style as a photographer. With each photograph, I set out to create a beautiful mix of the fleeting and the stylized — a glimpse of your precious story without the clutter of everyday life. My hope is to give you the space to simply be present, while I endeavor to create something for you that is intimate and real and meaningful.

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Truth: I am exhausted. Running entirely on toddler high fives and iced lattes and sheer adrenaline – the high that comes with creative exertion. I used to be one of those people who fell asleep within ninety seconds of my head hitting the pillow. Then, within the course of a dizzyingly short time span, I became a business owner in a creative industry, and the mama of a precious and precocious little boy. And all of a sudden, I find myself lying awake at night – not for lack of fatigue – but because my mind is on overdrive. All. the. time. Goals and to-do lists swirl around in my subconscious as I try desperately to coax my mind into dreamland: how do I grow the wedding side of my business? How do I market myself effectively to my ideal clients? How do I keep up in this field of round-the-clock creatives if I’m only able to work when my son is sleeping (i.e., next-to-never)?

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Okay, listen. I’ll admit it: I’ve been known to use the word delicious on more than one occasion when describing a baby. Or yummy, or edible. Scrumptious, even. And I’ve nibbled on more than my fair share of baby thighs, especially now that I have a pair crawling around my own home. Given how much I love eating good food, one should really consider it a compliment of the highest order if I comment on the delectable quality of your baby’s rolls. Besides, can’t you see how it might be easy to develop a bit of a baby addiction problem when you’re photographing these soft, squishy, beautiful little creatures day in and day out?

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She looked right down the center of my lens, as though she was peering into my soul. I snapped a few frames before the moment escaped us and then looked at her mama with my eyebrows raised. It’s unusual to get that kind of eye contact with a newborn — something far beyond a simple gaze, and vibrating with intuition and lustre. Her mama smiled proudly at me, and I shook my head, amazed.

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I have no apologies. I rarely see a gym or a yoga studio these days, my husband and I now consider late-night home-cooked dinner + a glass of wine a date, I am nearly a year behind on the blog, but…you know what? We’re happy. Hopelessly so. We have an eleven month old who is so full of light and joy that it literally brings to me to tears. And I’ve somehow managed, in the first year of motherhood, to grow a fledgling business into a robust one without putting Miles into daycare.

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